
目前顯示的是 4月, 2019的文章

解決vCenter Server 6開啟虛擬機電源時回報Connection refused的異常問題

        本來只是一件單純匯入Virtual Appliance的工作,在完成匯入OVF之後,按下了"Power ON";天哪,vCenter Server 6竟然贈送給我下面這個訊息!@@ "A general system error occured: connection refused"  都已經把這一台Virtual Appliance的Remote Console開起來了,怎麼會是connection refused呢?經過上一次處理vCenter Server 6 Virtual Appliance裡面root partition爆滿的問題,直覺的猜測這一台vCenter Server 6又出狀況了! 原廠KB說明root partition 100%的處理方式 vCenter Appliance root Partition 100% full due to Audit.log files not being rotated (2149278) 二話不說,首先試著透過Remote Console把vCenter Server 6上的SHELL和SSH給打開,利用當初安裝時設定的root密碼登入後,輸入"shell"進入命令列模式 login as: root VMware vCenter Server Appliance Type: vCenter Server with an embedded Platform Services Controller root@'s password: Last login: Tue Apr 23 15:55:03 2019 from Connected to service * List APIs: "help api list" * List Plugins: "help pi list" * Enable BASH access: "shell.set --enabled True" * Launch BASH: "sh...